Allis Chalmers 9 ft. Dia. x 12 ft. Long Ball Mill ID: 378501
WEBThis Allis Chalmers 9 ft. Dia. x 12 ft. Long Ball Mill has a Lincoln centromatic auto lube system. Savona Equipment More Equipment Everyday
WEBThis Allis Chalmers 9 ft. Dia. x 12 ft. Long Ball Mill has a Lincoln centromatic auto lube system. Savona Equipment More Equipment Everyday
WEB6' x 12' Allis Chalmers Rod Mill, 250 HP Motor, 440 Volt, Rubber Liners, Babbitt Trunnion Bearings. Equip yourself with the gold standard. ... 9′ X 10′ ALLIS CHALMERS BALL MILL, 400 HP; ID: L01192. 11′ X 15'8″ FL DRY GRIND SHELL SUPPORTED MILLS, 1000 HP; Sold.
WEBAllis Chalmers Svedala ball mill,13' diameter x 21' long,rubber lined mill,with Siemens Allis 2,000 HP,4000 volt,200 RPM synchronous motor,Eaton airflex trommel discharge,ball mill rejects conveyor,lube system, complete with in rebuilt in 1998,serial number C 2485.
WEBball mill, 13' diameter x 21' long, manufactured by allis chalmers (svedala), rubberlined mill, with siemensallis 2,000 hp, 4000 volt, 200 rpm synchronous motor, eaton airflex clutch. includes trommel discharge, ball mill rejects conveyor, lube system, etc. offered complete with controls. new in 1979. completely rebuilt in 1998, serial number ...
WEBSep 2, 2022 · Browse a wide selection of new and used ALLISCHALMERS Screen Aggregate Equipment for sale near you at Top models include 6X16, 5X16, and 6X20
WEBAllis Chalmers 13ft x 21ft Svedala Ball Mill Size: 13ft. Dia. x 21ft. Long Rubber Lined New in 1979 Completely Rebuilt in 1998 2,000HP Synchronous Electric Motor Voltage: 4,000...
WEB5' x 8' Parts: Pinion. 25tooth. 6" face. 17" OD. Mounted on 47/8" Diam Shaft. New. 1: N/A: Hardinge: Ball: 6' X 36" Parts. Call for list. 1: N/A: Hardinge: Ball: 8' x 48" Conical Mill w/rubber liners: 1: N/A: AllisChalmers: Ball: 7' X 8' Parts. Ring Gear for 8' to 10' long mill. Unused. 1: N/A: AllisChalmers: Ball: 7' X 8' Wave Type Shell ...
WEBBall Mills. Mill, 60 TPD Includes: Staube 5' X 4' Ball MillSOLD Rake Classifier Deister #6 Concentrating Table Pumps Denver Jig. AllisChalmers 13'6" X 22' Ball Mills (3 Ea.) SOLD With Motors, Air Clutch. Dominion 11' X 14' Ball MillSOLD With 900 HP Motor, Rubber Liners . Traylor Fuller 10' x ' Ball Mills (2 Ea.) With 900 HP Motors
WEBAllis Chalmers Ball Mill. 6 foot diameter. 17 feet long. 2 compartment. With internal grates; End peripheral discharge. New Magotteaux steel liners. 250 hp Marathon electric motor. 480 volt, 1788 rpm. Flender gear box. 272 tooth bull gear. 18 tooth pinion gear. Complete with new mixed media charge. Unit has only been test run.
WEBJan 17, 2024 · One of the local flour mills had a fire and the first picture was an Allis Chalmers mill.
X 12m Cement Ball Mills, 110 tph each HiE Separtators Dust Treatment . ♦ 8' X 250' AllisChalmers ♦ 8' X 135' Vulcan Vertical Roller Mills, Coal Mills AllisChalmers Manufacturing Company, and n. d .
WEBBuy Canadian Allis Chalmers 9' X 7' ( X 2m) Ball Mill, 400 Hp from King Industries. Request a quote online today. Used Mining Processing Equipment Grinding Mills, Crushers Process Plants
WEBBall Mills For Sale at Savona Equipment Ltd. Mills – Ball: ID#: 1078 Hardinge X 16 in. Conical ball mill. On common steel frame with 30 hp electric motor. Mill length 4ft from inlet to discharge. ... UNUSED 6,706 Mm X 11,125 Mm; ' X 28' Ball Mills ; ALLIS CHALMERSKOBE STEEL 18' x 24' Ball Mill; HARDINGE 9' x 12' Ball ...
WEBball mill allis chalmers for sale – crushing and grinding .. Aamcor LLC – Surface Mining Equipment – Ball Mills. Price ; HB11229: AC 9 1/2 X 10 Tapered Ball Mill: Ask For Info: 65,000: Details: HB11228: Allis Chalmers 10 1 ..
WEB9′ X 12′ ALLIS CHALMERS BALL AND ROD MILLS, 650 HP; Sold. ID: L01226. 5′ X 8′ PATTERSON PORTABLE BALL MILL, 40 HP; ID: L01139. ′ X 15′ ALLIS CHALMERS BALL MILLS, 1500 HP; Find the equipment you're looking for. View All Categories. Home; About Us; News; Contact; Sell Your Equipment; HEAD OFFICE.
WEB9′ X 10′ ALLIS CHALMERS BALL MILL, 400 HP; ID: C1227. 20″ X 18″ VIBRATORY BALL MILL; ID: L00972. 12′ X 14′ MARCY BALL MILL 1500 HP; Find the equipment you're looking for. View All Categories. Home; About Us; News; Contact; Sell Your Equipment; HEAD OFFICE. 107 – 17825 64 Ave Surrey, BC V3S 1Z3.
WEBBuy Canadian Allis Chalmers 9' X 7' ( X 2m) Ball Mill, 400 Hp from King Industries. Request a quote online today.
WEBContact. 4810 N 124th Street. Milwaukee, WI USA. P +1 (414) . F +1 (414) . sales AllisChalmers machine models Ludman exclusively owns proprietary technology to rebuild service AllisChalmers Mining Food Machinery.
WEB9 x 12 ft. Allis Chalmers Rod or Ball Mill with 400 HP. used. Manufacturer: AllisChalmers; 9 x 12 ft. Allis Chalmers Rod or Ball Mill w/ 400 hp Herringbone (1 piece) bull gear, 302 teeth, 20 in. face Herringbone pinion, 30 teeth, 20 in. face Westinghouse 400hp, 750 rpm, 575 volts Model SR2614 ...
WEBAllis Chalmers. Subegories: Ball Mills. SKU: L00973 Category: Grinding Mills. Description Description. 26″ x 54″ Trunnion 17 Tooth X ″ face Pinion 280 Tooth X ″ face Bull Gear Fawick VC381200 clutch SKF Bearing Hydraulic power pack Spare pinion and trunnions. Related products.
WEBUsed AllisChalmers ball mills (mineral processing) for sale in Australia. Find used ball mills for grinding iron ore and other mineral materials on Machinio. USD () USD United States ... ALLIS CHALMERS 9' x 18' ( x ) .
WEBallis chalmers ball mill 547 . Quantity: 1. 450 HP motor Loion: USA. Condition: Used. Manufacturer:Allis Chalmers. Diameter: 8'' Length: 14'' Subegories:Ball Mills. 4 X 5 COLORADO IRON WORKS STEEL LINEDBALL MILL ID: L01604. 4 X 5 PAUL O. ABBE CERAMIC LINED BATCH PEBBLEMILL ID: C0866* 30 X 42 PATTERSON . read more .
WEBCategories: GRINDING EQUIPMENT SubCategory: BALL MILLS Loion: North America Manufacturer: ALLIS CHALMERS HP: 3000 4500 KW: 2237 3356 Diameter: 13 Feet
WEB281 Tooth Ring gear. 20 Tooth Pinion gear. Trunnion bearings with bronze inserts. Gear lubriion. Main bearing lubriion. Teledyne air receiver. 13' x ' Allis Chalmers MPSI Ball Mills, 2 sister mills, 1750 HP 4000 V motors, lubriion system. Equip yourself with the gold standard.
WEBUsed ball mills (mineral processing) for sale in USA. AllisChalmers. Find used ball mills for grinding iron ore and other mineral materials on Machinio. USD () USD United States Dollar ... Used 800 HP Ball Mill. Manufactured by Allis Chalmers. 10' dia x 14' long (3m x ). 2pc Helical Bull Gear, 13' diameter, 16" Wide Face, 310Teeth ...
WEBShop Our Huge Collection Of Used Ball Mill For Sale. We Are An Industry Leader In Buying And Selling Used Processing Equipment. Get A Free Quote Today. Home » Equipment » Mills ... Used 800 HP Ball Mill. Manufactured by Allis Chalmers. 10' dia x 14' long (3m x ). 2pc Helical Bull Gear, 13' diameter, 16" Wide Face, 310Teeth. .
WEB13 x 21 ft. Allis Chalmers 2000 HP Ball Mill. used. Manufacturer: AllisChalmers; Allis Chalmers Svedala Ball Mill 13 x 21 ft. Rubberlined mill SiemensAllis 2,000 HP, 4000 volt, 200 RPM Synchronous Motor Eaton Airflex Clutch Trommel Discharge, Ball mill Rejects Conveyor, and Lube S...
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