coal dust injection process

Research on the wetting mechanism of coal dust by different

Research on the wetting mechanism of coal dust by different

WEBJun 1, 2022 · Coal accounts for approximately 60% of China's primary energy and is an important part of the energy structure (Li et al. 2015; Zhou et al. 2020b).The clean energy produced by the coal chemical process has less environmental pollution than direct combustion (Chen et al. 2020; Guo et al. 2020).Therefore, there will still be a large .

Effect of turbulence intensity on flame propagation and .

Effect of turbulence intensity on flame propagation and .

WEBJan 15, 2022 · The propagation process of CH 4 /coal dust flames is complied, since it contains many chemical and physical phenomena and mechanisms [24, 25]. ... Turbulent unvented gas explosions under dynamic mixture injection conditions. Symp (Int) Combust., 23 (1) (1991), pp. 851858.

Numerical Simulation of Combined Water Injection in Deep Coal .

Numerical Simulation of Combined Water Injection in Deep Coal .

WEBAug 9, 2017 · When a coal seam is injected with pressurized water, it can be opened by the water pressure seepage, and then channels will be formed and saturated with water in the seam. Cheng et al. (2012, 2013) investigated the microscopic process of water injection in coal seams, and determined the main influencing factors of coal seam water injection.

Microwetting dynamic behavior and mechanism for coal dust .

Microwetting dynamic behavior and mechanism for coal dust .

WEBAug 1, 2021 · Wang et al. focused on the wettability of respirable coal dust and the influence of functional groups of respirable coal dust on its wettability [36], [37]. Si et al. have proposed an improved effective diffusion system, which provides a reference for improving the wetting effect of coal seam water injection [38].

Anisotropic Damage Mechanism of Coal Seam Water Injection .

Anisotropic Damage Mechanism of Coal Seam Water Injection .

WEBMar 29, 2024 · After coal seam water injection, coal mechanical properties will change with brittleness weakening and plasticity enhancement. Aiming at the problem of coal damage caused by the coal seam water injection process, based on nonlinear pore elasticity theory and continuum damage theory, a nonlinear pore elastic damage model .

Pulverised Coal

Pulverised Coal

WEBSteps in the process are (1) mining of the coal from nearsurface or deep mines, (2) transporting crushed coal several centimeters in size to the power station, (3) pulverizing the coal to a powder predominantly less than 100 μ m in size, (4) pneumatically transporting this coal dust with combustion air into a large combustion chamber with ...

Dynamic–static intermittent pressurizedwater injection in gas .

Dynamic–static intermittent pressurizedwater injection in gas .

WEBJan 1, 2024 · The coal seam gradually transitions from dry to fully wet, resulting in a typical unsaturated and saturated seepage process [13], Adding surfactants to water can reduce the surface tension at the solidliquid interface and enhance the wettability of water [14]. waterinjection dust reduction is the only technique that actively suppresses dust ...

Cracking and improved wettability of coal through liquid CO

Cracking and improved wettability of coal through liquid CO

WEBMar 1, 2023 · To solve the problem of water injection in low–porosity and low–permeability coal seams, a new idea of liquid CO 2 cyclic cold soaking to improve the water absorption and wetting efficiency of coal is proposed. The evolution of the pore structure and mechanical properties of coal were studied using low–field nuclear magnetic resonance .

Research and practice on fluctuation water injection technology at .

Research and practice on fluctuation water injection technology at .

WEBApr 1, 2012 · It is visible from data in the Fig. 5: after the adoption of the designed water injection process for the coal seam water infusion, the dust concentration of the working face has been reduced greatly, with % average dust fall rate of the total dust, % of the average dust fall rate of the respiratory dust, and the dust fall effect is ...

Potential direct use of solid biomass in internal combustion engines

Potential direct use of solid biomass in internal combustion engines

WEBFeb 1, 2013 · The use of biomass dust as a fuel in reciproing engines could be of great interest because it could combine the versatility of the ICE with the large availability and the CO 2neutral impact of biomass, with respect to coal, (see Table 1) biomass fuels generally have a lower ash and sulphur content (and ash can be easily removed by .

Preparation and microwetting mechanism analysis of

Preparation and microwetting mechanism analysis of

WEBAug 15, 2022 · In the process of coal seam water injection and spray dustfall, the dust fall rate of total dust and dust is approximately 30%40% without adding any surfactants. In this study, to compare and analyze the appliion effect of the developed new materials, we compared the strong permeability and moisturizing material (SACB) with the .

Dynamic evolution process and appliion of gas ...

Dynamic evolution process and appliion of gas ...

WEBJun 1, 2024 · Highpressure water injection can crush coal blocks, increase the fracture density in a coal body, change the stress state of a coal body around a water injection borehole, and improve the permeability of a coal seam, all of which help to realize highefficiency gas emission [14], [15], [16], [17].

Characterization of 10 nm – 10 μm coal dust particles generated .

Characterization of 10 nm – 10 μm coal dust particles generated .

WEBDec 19, 2023 · Drilling parameters. During coal mining, gas extraction and coal seam water injection require the implementation of a large number of coal seam boreholes, and the coal drill bit is the most commonly used drill bit in the process of coal seam drilling (Lu et al. 2011).In this study, diamond composite sheet coal drill bits with diameters of 28, .

Thermal reactivity and flowability of pulverized coal blending with ...

Thermal reactivity and flowability of pulverized coal blending with ...

WEBPulverized coal (PC) blending with ironbearing dust (IBD) injection technology in blast furnace (BF) ironmaking process was proposed to valorize the IBD. Three aspects containing the coflow property of PC and IBD, thermal reactivity and corresponding kinetics during the PC combustion process, as well as thermal variation and unburned PC ...

IJERPH | Free FullText | Research on Coal Dust Wettability ...

IJERPH | Free FullText | Research on Coal Dust Wettability ...

WEBDec 29, 2022 · First, before coal mining, a water injection process is used to improve the wettability of coal or reasonable mining technology is adopted to reduce the possibility of coal dust production. Second, specific dust control technology is used during mining to control the dust source so that the dust exists in a specific space and position and ...

Effects of ionic and anionic surfactants on long flame coal .

Effects of ionic and anionic surfactants on long flame coal .

WEBFeb 1, 2022 · Bituminous coal (BC) poses a challenge to the implementation of coal seam water injection technology due to its high investigate the wetting interface characteristics between water molecules and BC, the wetting process of BC was analyzed based on pore evolution and molecular dynamic theory. It is found that there is .

Study on the performances of fluorescent tracers for the wetting .

Study on the performances of fluorescent tracers for the wetting .

WEBNov 1, 2022 · To further enhance the impact of water injection and dust reduction in the deep mining process of the coal mine, an efficient dust suppressant for water injection was synthesized by coupling a ...

Inhibiting effect of coal fly ash on minimum ignition .

Inhibiting effect of coal fly ash on minimum ignition .

WEBSep 1, 2019 · The injection pressure of the dust can be varied from 0 to bar, and the volume of the constanttemperature furnace is 220 mL. Download : Download highres image (228KB) ... Experimental process. The MITs of coal dust clouds were determined according to the measurement procedures defined in EN ISO/IEC .

Technological advancements in evaluating the performance of .

Technological advancements in evaluating the performance of .

WEBSep 11, 2020 · The pulverized coal injection (PCI) is pursued to reduce the hot metal production cost by replacingthe expensive metallurgical coke with the noncoking coal.

Multifactor numerical simulation study on spray dust suppression ...

Multifactor numerical simulation study on spray dust suppression ...

WEBDOI: / Corpus ID: ; Multifactor numerical simulation study on spray dust suppression device in coal mining process article{Xu2019MultifactorNS, title={Multifactor numerical simulation study on spray dust suppression device in coal mining process}, author={Changwei Xu and Wen Nie and .

Wetting behavior during impacting bituminous coal surface for dust ...

Wetting behavior during impacting bituminous coal surface for dust ...

WEBFeb 23, 2023 · The wetting behavior of droplets during impacting coal surface widely exists in the dust control process. Understanding the effect of surfactants on the diffusion of water droplets on coal surface ...

Improving the rotary kilnelectric furnace process for ferronickel ...

Improving the rotary kilnelectric furnace process for ferronickel ...

WEBApr 1, 2022 · Then, (partial) reduction starts, where oxygen is (partially) removed from nickel and iron oxides by CO from coal gasifiion [1], [4]. ... Therefore, the dust injection process may promote the formation of rings in the reduction zone of the rotary kiln.

Improvement of wettability of coal seams in water injection via co ...

Improvement of wettability of coal seams in water injection via co ...

WEBMar 5, 2022 · To further enhance the impact of water injection and dust reduction in the deep mining process of the coal mine, an efficient dust suppressant for water injection was synthesized by coupling a chelating agent and a surfactant. The optimal composition solution was determined by surface tension, pretreatment settling time and contact angle.

(PDF) Numerical Simulation of Combined Water Injection in Deep Coal .

(PDF) Numerical Simulation of Combined Water Injection in Deep Coal .

WEBFeb 1, 2018 · On this basis, the high and low pressure combined coal seam water injection technique was designed and applied to the #1305 fully mechanized top coal caving face in the Dongtan coal mine, and dust ...

Blastfurnace smelting with coaldust injection

Blastfurnace smelting with coaldust injection

WEBApr 25, 2012 · Smelting in two different blast furnaces is considered on the basis of a multiband model, which relates the processes that affect the smelting conditions to the final outcome. The analysis focuses on conditions in which the coaldust consumption varies widely, as well as the distribution of materials over the furnace radius. New results and .

Nonlinear seepage characteristics and influential factors of .

Nonlinear seepage characteristics and influential factors of .

WEBFeb 1, 2018 · 1. Introduction. Highpressure water injection has been globally adopted in coal exploitation for the prevention and control of coal dust as well as disasters, such as rock burst and coal and gas outbursts [1], [2], [3], [4].For the prevention and control of coal and gas outbursts, highpressure water injection is preferred, as it can crush coal block .

Combustion behavior of coinjecting flux, pulverized coal, and .

Combustion behavior of coinjecting flux, pulverized coal, and .

WEBApr 15, 2024 · This device can simulate the coinjection of pulverized coal and hydrogenrich gas into the blast furnace, enabling separate studies on each to emulate their combustion behaviors. It allows for the examination of variations in combustion rates when mixed and injected with coolants and combustion aids and the effects of different .

Study on the performances of fluorescent tracers for the wetting .

Study on the performances of fluorescent tracers for the wetting .

WEBJan 15, 2023 · For a typical coal seam water injection process, several boreholes are drilled in the coal seam, and pressurized water is injected into the boreholes. The water is infiltrated in the coal seam to increase the moisture of the coal seam and reduce the dust generation during mining.

Synthesis and properties of wettabilityincreasing ...

Synthesis and properties of wettabilityincreasing ...

WEBApr 1, 2023 · Such structure is also conducive to adsorption of coal dust and reduction of coal dust production. In addition, this method enriches the preparation method of water injection material and provides a new preparation scheme of wettabilityincreasing agent.



WEBMar 2, 2022 · Float dust deposits in coal mine return airways pose a risk in the event of a methane ignition. Controlling airborne dust prior to deposition in the return would make current rock dusting ...

Improvement of wettability of coal seams in water injection via co ...

Improvement of wettability of coal seams in water injection via co ...

WEBMar 5, 2022 · At this time, the coal dust has polluted the mine environment and it is difficult to control the breathing dust to a safe level in this way [9]. The other is to prevent coal dust before it is produced, such as coal seam water injection. Before coal mining, pressurized water is injected into the coal seam in front of the working face [10].

Micromorphology and safety properties of meager and meagerlean coal ...

Micromorphology and safety properties of meager and meagerlean coal ...

WEBJan 30, 2021 · Four types of meager and meagerlean coal and one type of highquality anthracite were selected based on the safety requirements for blast furnace coal injection and domestic coal quality to conduct microstructure and component analyses. The analyses of the organic and inorganic macerals and the chemical compositions of the .

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