grinding performance high

Grindability of γTiAl intermetallic compounds during ultrasonic ...

Grindability of γTiAl intermetallic compounds during ultrasonic ...

WEBJul 25, 2023 · In this study, the influences of ultrasonic vibrations and grinding parameters on the grinding performance of γTiAl intermetallic compounds were studied by comparative trials using the highefficiency deep grinding (HEDG) and UVHEDG. After introducing the basic experimental materials and details, the effect of ultrasonic .

Highperformance Surface Peel Grinding on Conventional Surface Grinding ...

Highperformance Surface Peel Grinding on Conventional Surface Grinding ...

WEBJan 1, 2012 · Introduction Highperformance surface peel grinding (HPSPG) is a novel grinding process. It combines the advantages of conventional surface and creep feed grinding processes by allowing high material removal rates in hard machining to be achieved while preserving the flexibility of the process and the surface quality. The .

Grinding performance investigation of multidirectional CF/PEEK ...

Grinding performance investigation of multidirectional CF/PEEK ...

WEBApr 1, 2024 · The grinding performance of MDCF/PEEK was primarily dependent on the θ elements of laminate while the grinding performance of UDCF/PEEK was closely related to the fiber orientation angles during grinding. This study established a more indepth understanding into the grinding performance of MDCF/PEEK and provided .

Virtual high performance grinding with CBN wheels

Virtual high performance grinding with CBN wheels

WEBJan 1, 2008 · Airfoil grinding. A plated CBN wheel (120 grit, tapered ball end) is used to grind the nickel alloy airfoil shown in Fig. 1 (a) at a wheel RPM of 60,000. Six grinding passes are used to grind one airfoil with the first pass opening the channel and the subsequent passes semifinishing the airfoil.

High performance grinding of zirconium oxide (ZrO2) using .

High performance grinding of zirconium oxide (ZrO2) using .

WEBJan 1, 2013 · Experimental setup. Grinding experiments were carried out with a series of hybrid bond diamond tools on a 5axis CNC machine tool (Mikron HSM400U). It was equipped with a high speed spindle (Fischer MFM10120/11, electromotor speed 12,000–120,000 rpm, power kW) to grind ZrO 2 (Fig. 1). The used coolant was oil .

HighPerformance Surface Grinding

HighPerformance Surface Grinding

WEBJan 1, 1993 · HighPerformance Surface Grinding The Influence of Coolant on the Abrasive Process E. Brinksmeier (2), E. Minke, University of Bremen Received on January 14,1993 The availability of newly designed grinding machines with high stiffness. high spindle power and wheel speeds. superabrasive CBNgrinding wheels. adaptive .



WEBCylindrical plunge grinding experiments were carried out to compare the performance of nongrooved and grooved vitrified grinding wheels. The grooved wheels featured highangle helical grooves with a . Expand

Study on grinding performance during ultrasonic vibration .

Study on grinding performance during ultrasonic vibration .

WEBAug 22, 2023 · However, the highperformance machining of super highstrength steel is confronted with great challenges owing to the high cutting force, serious tool wear, and impoverished machining quality.

Grinding performance study of CF/epoxy and CF/PEEK composites

Grinding performance study of CF/epoxy and CF/PEEK composites

WEBMay 23, 2023 · In order to distinguish the grinding performance of the thermoset and thermoplastic carbon fiberreinforced plastic (CFRP) composites, carbon fiberreinforced epoxy resin (CF/epoxy) and carbon fiberreinforced polyetheretherketone (CF/PEEK) composites were employed in this study. Different process parameters were set to grind .

Grinding performance and acoustic emissions of structured CVD .

Grinding performance and acoustic emissions of structured CVD .

WEBSep 1, 2023 · The grinding experiments were carried out with different grinding parameters on an ultraprecision machine (Nanotech FG350) with a highspeed spindle (the runout down to 1 µm), as shown in Fig. workpiece of Ti6Al4V was used in the experiments, which was prepared by lapping to minimize flatness and parallel deviation, .

Effects of ultrasonic vibrations on brazing mechanism and

Effects of ultrasonic vibrations on brazing mechanism and

WEBSep 27, 2023 · Currently, highfrequency induction brazing methods are commonly used to prepare highperformance brazed cubic boron nitride (CBN) tools. However, there are often problems such as nonuniform thickness of the brazing layer, poor brazing solidity, and low exposed height of the abrasive grains when using the conventional induction brazing .

Abrasives Grain Advances for Unmatched Grinding Performance

Abrasives Grain Advances for Unmatched Grinding Performance

WEBMar 5, 2024 · Zirconiaalumina abrasive grain was the next advancement to reduce grinding time and increase abrasives' life. When zirconiaalumina was incorporated into a fiber disc, operators preferred a fiber disc over the conventional grinding wheel for weld removal. While zirconia grain advanced grinding technology, it required high forces to .

Grain erosion wear properties and grinding performance of .

Grain erosion wear properties and grinding performance of .

WEBJun 1, 2023 · Ichida et al. 20, 21 fabried new highperformance abrasive polycrystalline cBN (PcBN) grains by combining multiple cBN particles with the dimension of W7 and ceramic phases as the binding materials and then proved the higher selfsharpening capability and excellent grinding efficiency of the PcBN grains than those of .

Characteristics and grinding performance evaluation of the high ...

Characteristics and grinding performance evaluation of the high ...

WEBJun 25, 2021 · The poor machinability of the highfraction SiCp/Al matrix composites is one of the key factors that hinders its appliion in electronic packaging. In this study, (0−15) wt% GNFs/SiCp/6061Al matrix hybrid composites are prepared by vacuum hot pressing at 590 °C and 50 MPa with the graphene nanoflakes (GNFs) partially replacing SiCp, the .

Grinding performance and theoretical analysis for a high volume ...

Grinding performance and theoretical analysis for a high volume ...

WEBApr 1, 2022 · High volume fraction (45 %) silicon carbide particlereinforced Al matrix composites (SiC p /AlMMCs) play an important role in various engineering fields due to their excellent properties, but the high hardness and brittleness of the SiC reinforcements result in poor surface integrity during conventional grinding (CG). Ultrasonic assisted ...

Research on the grinding performance of grinding wheel in

Research on the grinding performance of grinding wheel in

WEBFeb 13, 2024 · Electric spark dressing is an effective dressing method for metalbonded diamond grinding wheel that offers high precision, high efficiency, and low cost. This study focused on the influence of discharge voltage, discharge current, and power pulse width on the surface morphology of the grinding wheel. The electric spark dressing experiments .

High Performance Grinding | SpringerLink

High Performance Grinding | SpringerLink

WEBDec 15, 2017 · Theory and Appliion. High performance grinding (HPG) also called high efficiency deep grinding (HEDG) is characterized by extremely high specific material removal rates (MRR), using high wheel speed, high depth of cut, and high feed rate with superabrasive tools resulting generally in very low specific energy (6–15 J/mm 3 for .

Effect of operational parameters and recycling load on the high ...

Effect of operational parameters and recycling load on the high ...

WEBMar 10, 2015 · The development of high pressure grinding rolls has been offered as a promising new comminution technology with claims of improved performance relative to conventional grinding technology especially rod and ball mill circuits. The various circuit configurations were derived to achieve a reduction in overall specific energy .

Study on grinding performance during ultrasonic vibration .

Study on grinding performance during ultrasonic vibration .

WEBAug 22, 2023 · Recently, ultrahigh strength steels have attracted an increase attention to prepare highperformance gears in helicopter transmission system to confront the complex and severe environment, owing to their superior mechanical properties (, high hardness and high toughness) [1, 3].Grinding as the final and crucial manufacturing processes .

How the Science of Abrasives Yields the Art of Performance

How the Science of Abrasives Yields the Art of Performance

WEBJan 8, 2018 · The key characteristic of these high performance abrasives is the unique combination of hardness and toughness that is essential for controlling microfracturing of the grains, which is crucial for providing a continuous supply of sharp cutting edges during grinding that results in raising the utilization of each grain to over 80 percent (see ...

Development of novel highshear and lowpressure grinding tool .

Development of novel highshear and lowpressure grinding tool .

WEBNov 9, 2020 · In this work, a novel abrasive tool which was based on the principle of liquid body armor was developed with flexible composite to improve the grinding performance. During grinding, particles in the abrasive tool will produce a "hydrocluster effects" to remove the micro convex of the workpiece surface in a highshear and lowpressure .

Improving the grinding performance of highspeed rail grinding .

Improving the grinding performance of highspeed rail grinding .

WEBAug 1, 2022 · Highspeed rail grinding stones (GS) were fabried using zirconia alumina (ZA) with five mass ratios of F16 to F30 to explore the regulatory mechanism of abrasives with mixed granularity on the ...

Study on Preparation and Grinding Performance of Vitrified .

Study on Preparation and Grinding Performance of Vitrified .

WEBDec 22, 2022 · Vitrified bond cubic boron nitride (CBN) grinding wheel specimens with controllable porosity were prepared by regulating the pore former dextrin content and varying the forming pressure, and the performance of the grinding camshaft was studied. The porosity of the specimens increases with the increase in dextrin content, and .

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