coal powder ftb

Grin Powder

Grin Powder

WEBFeed The Beast Wiki. in: IndustrialCraft 2, Components. Grin Powder. Grin Powder. Mod. IndustrialCraft 2. Grin Powder has no use apart from making WeedEX. It can be obtained from Venomilia, which is a crop obtained from crossbreeding. Categories.

Blizz Powder (Thermal Foundation)

Blizz Powder (Thermal Foundation)

WEBThis page is about the Blizz Powder added by Thermal Foundation. For other uses, see Blizz Powder. The Blizz Powder is an component added by Thermal Foundation. Its main use is to create Cryotheum Dust. Main article: Pulverizer (Thermal Expansion 5) Main article: Fluid Transposer (Thermal Expansion 5) Blizz Powder can be created by filling 2 .

How can i evenly distribute items with AE2 Autocrafting?

How can i evenly distribute items with AE2 Autocrafting?

WEBAE2 equally distributes loads across identical patterns. Just make a pattern for each interface beneath each alloy smelter. Unless I'm misunderstanding your issue. With eio conduits, they are very picky, I find best results is to set up the round robin using only vanilla chests and a speed downgrade.

Grin Powder

Grin Powder

WEBStackable. Yes (64) Grin Powder is an item from IndustrialCraft 2 used to craft WeedEX, for use in a CropMatron .

Ender Pearl Powder

Ender Pearl Powder

WEBEnderIO:itemPowderIngot:5. OreDict Name. dustEnderPearl. Type. Item. Stackable. Yes (64) The Ender Pearl Powder is a dust item added by the EnderIO mod. A seldom used crafting item.

Iron Powder (EnderIO)

Iron Powder (EnderIO)

WEBEnderIO:itemPowderIngot:1. OreDict Name. dustIron. Type. Item. Stackable. Yes (64) The Iron Powder is a dust added by the EnderIO mod.

Basalz Powder

Basalz Powder

WEBBasalz Powder is an item added by the Thermal Foundation mod. It is used to create Petrotheum Dust, which in turn is used to create Tectonic Petrotheum . Recipe [ edit ]

Liquifacted Coal Bucket

Liquifacted Coal Bucket

WEBFTB Wiki; Liquifacted Coal Bucket; News; Rules; Style Guide; Read; Edit; View history; Page; Discussion; 24,498 ARTICLES ... Aerotheum Dust • Basalz Powder • Basalz Rod • Blitz Powder • Blitz ... About Feed The Beast Wiki; Disclaimers;

Hydrated Coal Dust (IndustrialCraft 2)

Hydrated Coal Dust (IndustrialCraft 2)

WEBUsage. Hydrated Coal Dust (IndustrialCraft 2) can be used to create the following items: Coal Dust (IndustrialCraft 2) H. Coal. SingleUse Battery. Small Pile of Hydrated Coal Dust (GregTech 4) Small Pile of Hydrated Coal Dust (GregTech 5) Tiny Pile of Hydrated Coal Dust (GregTech 4) Tiny Pile of Hydrated Coal Dust (GregTech 5)

CF Powder

CF Powder

WEBID Name. IC2:itemPartCFPowder. Type. Item. Stackable. Yes (64) CF Powder is a dust from IndustrialCraft 2 Experimental. It is used by the CF Sprayer to create Construction and is required to create Reinforced Stone .

[Immersive Engineering] coal coke or block of coal coke?

[Immersive Engineering] coal coke or block of coal coke?

WEBIn vanilla, a single coal will do 8 items while a Block of Coal will do 80. That's 10x the burn time for only 9x the fuel, so you effectively get 1 extra Coal for free by using Blocks. If I Recall Correctly, IE does do 10x burn time for the Block of Coal Coke, but keeps the Iron > Steel ratio constant (9 Iron Ingots use the same burn time as 1 ...

[SF3] What do I do with all my 1000+ coal in Sky Factory 3?

[SF3] What do I do with all my 1000+ coal in Sky Factory 3?

WEBThe subreddit for all things related to Modded Minecraft for Minecraft Java Edition This subreddit was originally created for discussion around the FTB launcher and its modpacks but has since grown to encompass all aspects of modding the Java edition of Minecraft.

Item Conduit

Item Conduit

WEBItem Conduit is a block used to transport items, at a rate of 1 item per second.. Any BuildCraftcompatible wrench can be used to configure and connect/disconnect Item status of the conduit can be seen on the block itself: small arrows represent the direction in which items can move. Recipe []

Silicon (EnderIO)

Silicon (EnderIO)

WEBEnderIO:itemMaterial. OreDict Name. itemSilicon. Type. Item. Stackable. Yes (64) Silicon is an item added by the EnderIO mod. It is used in crafting and creating alloys.



WEBCoal is a combustible black or brownishblack sedimentary rock, formed as rock strata called coal is mostly carbon with variable amounts of other elements, chiefly hydrogen, sulfur, oxygen, and nitrogen. Coal is a type of fossil fuel, formed when dead plant matter decays into peat which is converted into coal by the heat and pressure of deep .

Grin Powder | Feed The Beast Wiki | Fandom

Grin Powder | Feed The Beast Wiki | Fandom

WEBGrin powder is used to craft Weedex, for use in a Cropmatron. It is created by placing Spider Eyes into a Macerator. ... Advanced Alloy • Carbon Plate • Coal Ball • ... Feed The Beast Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. View Mobile Site ...

I compared all coal generators! : r/feedthebeast

I compared all coal generators! : r/feedthebeast

WEBEnergy unit conversion: 100 RF = 25 EU = 250 J RF * = EU RF * = J. Please let me know if I missed anything and I'll add it to the list! EDIT 1: Ender IO Stirling Generators with Capacitors added. EDIT 2: Coal Generator from RFTools added. EDIT 3: Endoflame/Fluxfield Combo added. EDIT 4: HighTemperature Furnace Generator from .

Coke Dust

Coke Dust

WEBCoke Dust is made in a Crusher with a single piece of Coal Coke. Coke Dust is a component added by Immersive Engineering. It is used to make HOP Graphite Dust and Steel. Coke Dust is made in a Crusher with a single piece of Coal Coke. ... Feed The Beast Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community.

Good ways of generating mana in Botania? | Feed the Beast

Good ways of generating mana in Botania? | Feed the Beast

WEBDec 3, 2014 · At the moment I have a big field of Dayblooms and Nightshades. These produce constantly, but the output is somewhat anaemic compared to my needs. What's a good way to produce a ton of mana very quickly? As in, quickly enough to power a coupla dozen agricarnations reliably?

[FTB Infinity] Easy to make fuel sources that burn longer than coal ...

[FTB Infinity] Easy to make fuel sources that burn longer than coal ...

WEBEndoflames handle 4x the coal block, that is, 64,000 fuel units. They should be capable of handling maximumpower Brew of Combustion. Depending on your pack, you can mass produce glowstone easily enough. Distillery from blaze powder and gunpowder, only need a mob grinder that handles blazes, plus clay. 1 diamond.

Pulverized Coal

Pulverized Coal

WEBAug 16, 2022 · When used as fuel in a steam dynamo, pulverized coal yields 24,000 RF per piece. Unlike most steam dynamo fuels, pulverized coal cannot also be used as furnace fuel. Thermal Foundation (Minecraft ) World: Ores: .



WEBCinnabar is an item added by Thermal Foundation. It is obtained as a secondary output of pulverizing Destabilized Redstone Ore with a chance of 50%, Redstone Ore with a chance of 25% or from Gold Ore with a chance of 10% in the Pulverizer. It can also be obtained by transposing Gelid Cryotheum on Cinnabar Ore in the Fluid Transposer.

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