coal powder heat transfer

The present situation, challenges, and prospects of the appliion .

The present situation, challenges, and prospects of the appliion .

WEBApr 1, 2024 · However, the specific relationship between radiative heat transfer influenced by the concentration of major coal powder particles and convective heat transfer primarily affected by flow velocity has not been reported clearly to date and lacks experimental validation. Therefore, further research is still required for systematic exploration and ...

Intensifiion of hydrodynamics and heat transfer characteristics .

Intensifiion of hydrodynamics and heat transfer characteristics .

WEBMay 1, 2024 · A heat transfer model that considers gassolid convective, solidsolid collision, and thermal radiation was established. And a swirling blade enhancement factor (β) was defined to quantify the flow mechanism and heat transfer characteristics of coalchar particles. Results indie that SBN can shorten the time for flow to reach stability .

A review of flame radiation research from the perspective of .

A review of flame radiation research from the perspective of .

WEBApr 1, 2020 · Among the heat transfer methods, flame radiation heat transfer from combustion gases and particles is the most commonly used method in combustion appliions such as industrial furnaces and coalfired boilers [18, 40, 51,52,53]. In coalfired reactors, radiation heat transfer can comprise up to 90% of the total heat transfer .

LES and RANS of air and oxycoal combustion in a pilotscale .

LES and RANS of air and oxycoal combustion in a pilotscale .

WEBJul 1, 2015 · LES and RANS of air and oxycoal combustion in a pilotscale facility: Predictions of radiative heat transfer ... coupled with the discrete element method is utilized to investigate the flow behavior of a coaxial jet composed of powder and coal within an annular pipe. The influence of particle diameter on particlescale information is .

Sensitivity analysis on the microwave heating of coal: A coupled ...

Sensitivity analysis on the microwave heating of coal: A coupled ...

WEBNov 5, 2017 · The coupled electromagnetic and heat transfer model for microwave heating of coal was solved using the finite element method (FEM) in COMSOL Multiphysics [63]. The simulations were carried out on a computer with Intel Core i76700, GHz processor, 32 GB RAM memory and 64bit Windows 10 Enterprise operating system. .

Numerical simulations and experiments on heat transfer .

Numerical simulations and experiments on heat transfer .

WEBFeb 1, 2013 · 1. Introduction. Coal is an abundant fossil energy resource, and represents about 70% of the world's proven fossil fuel resources. Today 23% of the world's primary energy comes from coal, about 36% of the world's electricity is produced using coal and the energy for the production of 70% of the world's steel is provided by coal [1].The negative .

Modeling and Experimental Investigations on the Pyrolysis of Large Coal .

Modeling and Experimental Investigations on the Pyrolysis of Large Coal .

WEBOct 27, 2011 · A fully transient and coupled kinetic, heattransfer model is proposed to predict the pyrolysis behavior of a large coal particle. The model incorporates kinetics, internal convection because of volatile flow, conduction, external convection and radiation, variation in porosity and thermophysical properties, and changing particle size. The .

Heat and mass transfer of liquid nitrogen in coal porous media

Heat and mass transfer of liquid nitrogen in coal porous media

WEBNov 2, 2017 · Liquid nitrogen has been working as an important medium in fire extinguishing and prevention, due to its efficiency in oxygen exclusion and heat removal. Such a technique is especially crucial for coal industry in China. We built a tunnel model with a temperature monitor system (with 36 thermocouples installed) to experimentally .

Numerical investigation of hightemperature rapid heating of coal .

Numerical investigation of hightemperature rapid heating of coal .

WEBDec 1, 2023 · The heat transfer in fluidized beds has an important part of many investigations in the past. It usually includes several subprocesses: heat transfer between solid particles and gas, heat transfer between the bed and the surfaces (walls or immersed surfaces), and heat transfer inside the solid particles [29,30].

Wall average heat transfer in CFB boilers

Wall average heat transfer in CFB boilers

WEBOct 8, 2001 · The purpose of this work is to find a correlation for heat transfer to walls in circulating fluidized bed (CFB) boilers. Heat transfer and suspension density data from six boilers in the range from 12 to 300 MWth form the basis of the correlation. The data were averaged over the entire height of the heatreceiving wall to facilitate appliion ...

Experimental investigation of circulating fluidized bed combustion .

Experimental investigation of circulating fluidized bed combustion .

WEBSep 15, 2023 · Coal powder combustion. ... The combustion of coal slime to produce heat and power has been one of the significant ways for the byproduct's beneficial uses. ... the heat transfer coefficient in the upper parts of the furnace is increased substantially, even though the overall pressure drop or bed inventory remains close (Fig. 4).

Key Parameters of Preventing Spontaneous Combustion of Coal .

Key Parameters of Preventing Spontaneous Combustion of Coal .

WEBMar 10, 2021 · For instance, as the HP inserted scale is 1:4, outside air velocity is m/s, the maximum heat transfer radius in the coal stockpile is cm, the overall heat transfer effect enhanced by 79% ...

Differential heat transfer characteristics of coal macerals and their ...

Differential heat transfer characteristics of coal macerals and their ...

WEBOct 1, 2023 · The heat transfer infrared thermal imaging dynamic monitoring system is used to conduct heat transfer experiments of different lithotypes. The system mainly consists of a constant temperature heat source and a highprecision infrared thermal imager (Fig. 2).The heating range of the constant temperature heat source is from room .

Heat and mass transfer of liquid nitrogen in coal porous media

Heat and mass transfer of liquid nitrogen in coal porous media

WEBApr 1, 2018 · Adv Powder T echnol 25(5):15 27 ... Lang et al. [17] conducted experiments to study the heat and mass transfer of liquid N 2 in coal and measured the temperature variation during the liquid N 2 ...

Energies | Free FullText | Heat Transfer Efficiency Prediction of Coal ...

Energies | Free FullText | Heat Transfer Efficiency Prediction of Coal ...

WEBJul 2, 2021 · Coal is the energy source of coalfired power plants, but the following problems still exist: When the pulverized coal obtained by the coal mill is burned in a furnace, the hightemperature flue gas produced will act on the working medium side of the heating surface in the way of heat transfer, and the ash in the hightemperature flue .

Coal mill model considering heat transfer effect on mass .

Coal mill model considering heat transfer effect on mass .

WEBAug 1, 2021 · Agarawal et al. [8] differentiated coal powder into ten size groups, divided the bowl mill into four zones, and developed a unified model. Palizban et al. [9] derived nonlinear differential mass equations of raw coal, recirculation coal and suspension coal in coal mills. ... However, both types of models ignore the effect of the heat transfer ...

Experimental study on the minimum ignition temperature

Experimental study on the minimum ignition temperature

WEBJul 15, 2017 · The spontaneous combustion of coal powder involves complex heat transfer, mass transfer, and physicochemical reactions, which can be influenced by coal properties, ambient temperature, deposition thickness, and other factors [19–21]. Therefore, methods including the thermal analysis of hot plates, have probed the spontaneous .

Simulation of Heat Transfer in a DownerType Pyrolyzer with .

Simulation of Heat Transfer in a DownerType Pyrolyzer with .

WEBJan 16, 2024 · It is found that the heat radiation and conduction directly transferred from char to coal are all relatively small, and the gas–coal convection is the main factor in the coal heating process. However, the heat carried by the gas into the pyrolyzer only accounts for less than % of the heat received by the coal, implying that the gas phase ...

Simulation of Turbulent Combustion in a Large Pulverized Coal .

Simulation of Turbulent Combustion in a Large Pulverized Coal .

WEBSep 9, 2020 · Combining turbulent pulse action with radiation will help to understand the flow heat transfer and component transfer process in the pulverized coal combustion process. The model serves as a reference for the practical appliion of TRI in pulverized coal boiler combustion research. ... Heat Transfer 1993, 115, 1004–1012. .

Effective thermal conductivity of sintered heat pipe wicks

Effective thermal conductivity of sintered heat pipe wicks

WEBMay 23, 2012 · 1 Jan 2021 | International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 164. Modeling of a Wellhead Heating Methodology With Heat Pipes in Coal Mines. 16 November 2020 | Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 143, No. 1. ... 1 May 2014 | Powder Technology, Vol. 258.

Modeling of a medium speed coal mill

Modeling of a medium speed coal mill

WEBAug 1, 2017 · On the basis of the literature above, a nonlinear dynamic model of a MPS (Mill Parter Ship)type medium speed coal mill is proposed in this study based on its mass and energy balance. The effect of raw coal moisture on the energy balance of coal mills is considered to improve the accuracy of the model and all heat inputs into or outputs from ...

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