coal seam gas process

A Numerical Simulation of the Coal Dust Migration Law in .

A Numerical Simulation of the Coal Dust Migration Law in .

WEBFeb 1, 2024 · Abundant industrial experiences have shown that directional air drilling technology is effective for gas drainage when drilling broken and soft coal seams. In this paper, the Eulerian–Eulerian model was used to simulate the gas–solid twophase flow behavior of compressed air transporting coal dust in broken soft coal seams. The .

Effects of nonDarcy flow on the performance of coal seam gas .

Effects of nonDarcy flow on the performance of coal seam gas .

WEBApr 1, 2012 · The gas flow equation of Eq. (33) and the deformation equation of Eq. (7) together describe the interactions among the deformation of coal, free gas flow and gas absorption/desorption in the cleat system and the matrix of coal seam. Fig. 1 graphically presents the fully coupling processes of this developed model in the coal seam gas .

Case study on microseismic effect of coal and gas outburst process ...

Case study on microseismic effect of coal and gas outburst process ...

WEBJul 1, 2012 · II102 mining area overall is a monoclinic structure, and the vertical elevation is from −475 to −700 main mining seam is #10 coal seam belonged to the nonoutburst prone coal (Measured results of gas basic parameters are shown in Table 2), and the average thickness is m. Roof lithology is generally mediumfine sandstone, and .

Experimental Study on Replacing Coal Seam CH4 with CO2 Gas

Experimental Study on Replacing Coal Seam CH4 with CO2 Gas

WEBDec 18, 2021 · In recent years, many studies have reported the mechanism of CH4 stimulation by gas injection. However, the studies have focused only on monitoring CH4 and CO2 in the tail gas. Thus, it is difficult to distinguish the adsorbed and free gas in the coal and rock and accurately calculate the CO2/CH4 replacement ratio in the .

'Coal Seam Gas: By the Numbers' – a data journalism project

'Coal Seam Gas: By the Numbers' – a data journalism project

WEBNov 24, 2011 · Land holders and governments donapos;t yet know the impact this will have; it is the great coal seam gas experiment." Another key component of the project is to identify the chemicals which come up in the water during the gas extraction process; naturally occurring salt, and its disposal, is one of the biggest concerns.

Identifiion of Coal and Gas OutburstHazardous Zones by .

Identifiion of Coal and Gas OutburstHazardous Zones by .

WEBFeb 26, 2022 · The highest gas pressure and the maximum gas content in the coal seam were MPa and m 3 /t, respectively. There was a high coal and gas outburst hazard in the coal seam and, therefore, it was necessary to improve the elaborate identifiion and realtime monitoring on the outbursthazardous zones in the coal seam.

Coal Gasifiion

Coal Gasifiion

WEBThis process, known as in situ or underground gasifiion, typically involves drilling boreholes to intersect the seam in at least two places, and providing a passage for gas through the seam from one intersection to the other. The coal is ignited at the base of one hole and a gasifiion agent, such as steam or compressed air, injected into ...

Analysis of the Difference of Gas Extraction Quantity from Coal Seam ...

Analysis of the Difference of Gas Extraction Quantity from Coal Seam ...

WEBOct 27, 2023 · The gas extraction quantity is affected by gas pressure, permeability, and coal seam buried depth in the actual process of gas extraction, which is variable and complex. There is an interaction influence between each factor, which provides us with valuable guidance for analyzing the coupling change law of gas extraction quantity.

Modeling coupled gas flow and geomechanics process in stimulated coal ...

Modeling coupled gas flow and geomechanics process in stimulated coal ...

WEBJun 1, 2021 · Introduction. As the companion of coal seam, coal mine gas (CMG) is a major hazard source to coal mining practice. During the mining process, gas disasters such as gas explosion, gas combustion, and coal and gas outburst may occur, resulting in serious casualties and property losses. 1, 2 Especially when it enters deep mining, .

Improvement of Thick Coal Seam Gas Drainage Efficiency Using .

Improvement of Thick Coal Seam Gas Drainage Efficiency Using .

WEBMar 6, 2024 · Thick coal seam fracture stimulations were conducted to enhance pregas drainage efficiency through the use of a highly pressurized multidischarge carbon dioxide gas fracturing technique. This method also offers potential as a strategy for carbon dioxide sequestration, aiding in the reduction of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels and thereby .

Applied Sciences | Free FullText | Research on a Coal Seam Gas .

Applied Sciences | Free FullText | Research on a Coal Seam Gas .

WEBJul 28, 2023 · Coal seam gas extraction is not only a source of clean and natural energy but also a means to address the pressing issue of gas control . Undoubtedly, methane ... Q. Simulation on the temperature evolution law of coal containing gas in the freezing coring process. J. China Coal Soc. 2021, 46, 199–210. [Google Scholar] Wang, X.; Zhou, F.; .

International Journal of Coal Geology

International Journal of Coal Geology

WEBApr 11, 2024 · The coals within the No. 3 coal seam exhibit the characteristics of typical anthracite coal and hold a methane gas content ranging from 10 to 37 m 3 /t. This study focuses on the investigation of the historical evolution of methane gas under various occurrence conditions of the coal seam. Download : Download highres image .

Effective appliion of proppants during the hydraulic fracturing .

Effective appliion of proppants during the hydraulic fracturing .

WEBNov 15, 2021 · Such nonuniform distribution of proppants in hydraulic fracture surfaces is highly expectable during the coal seam gas extraction process. The injected water causes the proppant particles to move into certain regions on the fracture surface and form deposition layers by combining with incoming proppant particles [42]. This movement of .

Coal Seam Gas | Geoscience Australia

Coal Seam Gas | Geoscience Australia

WEBJun 21, 2023 · Coal Seam Gas. Coal Seam Gas (CSG) is a naturally occurring methane gas found in most coal seams and is similar to conventional natural gas. In Australia the commercial production of CSG commenced in 1996 in the Bowen Basin, Queensland. Since then production has increased rapidly, particularly during the first decade of the 21st .

The research of coal seam gas pressure and initial gas emission ...

The research of coal seam gas pressure and initial gas emission ...

WEBJul 16, 2019 · Coal and gas outburst is a kind of dynamic phenomenon and mainly driven by gas pressure. 12, 13 The coal seams are prone to be fractured, and outburst process will be largely accelerated with the presence of high gas pressure. 14 By and large, the phenomenon of outbursts is the process of coal energy dissipation, 15, 16 which is .

Coal explained Mining and transportation of coal

Coal explained Mining and transportation of coal

WEBFeb 16, 2023 · Mining coal. Coal miners use large machines to remove coal from the earth. Many coal deposits, called coal beds or seams, are near the earth's surface, but others are deep mining methods allow coal miners to easily reach most of the nation's coal reserves and to produce about three times more coal in .

Optimize the early warning time of coal and gas outburst by multi ...

Optimize the early warning time of coal and gas outburst by multi ...

WEBMay 1, 2021 · The coal and rock mass will produce rapid deformation, crack or fracture change with the action of high stress, and the gas stored in the coal seam will gush out to the working face along the coal seam under the action of the pressure gradient during the tunneling process. These phenomena may produce signals such as AE, EMR, or .

Chief Scientist CSG report leaves health concerns unanswered

Chief Scientist CSG report leaves health concerns unanswered

WEBOct 7, 2014 · The longawaited of coal seam gas (CSG) in New South Wales, released last week by the NSW Chief Scientist, highlighted many risks and uncertainties around human health from exposure to toxic CSG ...

Pressuredependent characteristics of the diffusion coefficient .

Pressuredependent characteristics of the diffusion coefficient .

WEBMar 1, 2024 · Gas diffusion process in coal is critical for the prediction of coalbed methane production, especially for the latetime CBM reservoir when both gas pressure and permeability is relative low ...

The coal seam gas debate – Parliament of Australia

The coal seam gas debate – Parliament of Australia

WEBThe coal seam gas debate. In this section. Dr Alex St John, Science, Technology, Environment and Resources. Key issue. Coal seam gas (CSG) is a polarising issue in some communities. Proponents argue that CSG is a vital energy resource, necessary for continued gas supply. Opponents claim that CSG could have serious environmental and .

Dimensional analysis and prediction of coal fines generation .

Dimensional analysis and prediction of coal fines generation .

WEBApr 15, 2017 · The life of a Coal Seam Gas (CSG) well typically consists three stages: (1) dewatering; (2) stable production; and (3) decline [1]. The flow regime inside coal seams varies at different stages. ... During this process, the coal's water wettability increased, leading to a decrease in the diameter of the bubble's threephase contact line, which ...

Modeling coupled gas flow and geomechanics process in stimulated coal ...

Modeling coupled gas flow and geomechanics process in stimulated coal ...

WEBDOI: / Corpus ID: ; Modeling coupled gas flow and geomechanics process in stimulated coal seam by hydraulic flushing article{Liu2021ModelingCG, title={Modeling coupled gas flow and geomechanics process in stimulated coal seam by hydraulic flushing}, author={Ting Liu and Baiquan .

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