explain coal is an irreversible process



WEBDec 3, 2022 · My teacher said that the magnitude of the work done in the reversible process will be more than that done in the irreversible process. The reason behind this, my teacher said, was that the final temperature of irreversible process will always be higher than that of reversible process. But we were not taught why this happens.

Rankine Cycle: What is it? (Ideal vs. Actual

Rankine Cycle: What is it? (Ideal vs. Actual

WEBFeb 24, 2012 · The Rankine Cycle is a mechanical cycle commonly used in power plants to convert the pressure energy of steam into mechanical energy through steam turbines. The Rankine Cycle's major components include a rotating steam turbine, a boiler pump, a stationary condenser, and a boiler. A boiler is used to heat the water for steam at the .

= Cu Zn The Gibbs free energy of 1 mole of liquid |

= Cu Zn The Gibbs free energy of 1 mole of liquid |

WEBThe unit of Gº is J. Use the intercept rule we learned in class to derive the expressions of the chemical potentials of Cu and Zn in the liquid alloy at 1400K in terms of Xcu (or XZn), GC and G2 . When mixing pure liquid Cu and Zn at 1400K, is the process reversible or irreversible? Please explain.

Answered: An irreversible process takes place by. | bartleby

Answered: An irreversible process takes place by. | bartleby

WEBAn irreversible process takes place by which the entropy of the universe increases by J/K. If the temperature of the environment in which the process occurred is 220 K, how much energy (in J) was made unavailable for useful work as a result? Problem 53P: A copper rod of crosssectional area cm2 and length m conducts heat from a ...

Why are spontaneous processes irreversible? + Example

Why are spontaneous processes irreversible? + Example

WEBFeb 15, 2014 · 1 Answer. Spontaneous processes are irreversible because they can be reversed only by taking a different path to get back to their original state. A reversible process can take the same path to return to its original state. An irreversible process must take a different path to get back to its original state. For example, when the .

Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of the Kinetics Process of Methane ...

Lattice Boltzmann Simulation of the Kinetics Process of Methane ...

WEBIn the process of CBM exploitation, water in the coal seam is gradually discharged with the drainage and depressurization, and free methane in the porefracture system flows toward the fracture and wellbore under the effect of pressure difference, which forms a concentration difference in the coal matrix; thus the adsorbed methane is gradually .

Solved Is it possible for the entropy change of a closed

Solved Is it possible for the entropy change of a closed

WEBIs it possible for the entropy change of a closed system to be zero during an irreversible process? Explain. There are 2 steps to solve this one. To begin solving, understand that entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness of a system and that a closed system neither allows the transfer of matter in or out of the system, but does allow ...

 Entropy on a Microscopic Scale – University Physics Volume 2

Entropy on a Microscopic Scale – University Physics Volume 2

WEBCalculate a change in entropy for an irreversible process of a system and contrast with the change in entropy of the universe; Explain the third law of thermodynamics; ... A coal power plant consumes 100,000 kg of coal per hour and produces 500 MW of power. If the heat of combustion of coal is 30 MJ/kg, what is the efficiency of the power plant?

Question: Using a labelled diagram, explain an irreversible process .

Question: Using a labelled diagram, explain an irreversible process .

WEBStep 1. In thermodynamics, a process that cannot be precisely undone to return the system to its initial con... View the full answer Step 2. Unlock. Answer. Unlock.

Solved 1. Explain the difference between a reversible and

Solved 1. Explain the difference between a reversible and

WEBExplain the difference between a reversible and irreversible process. (With the aid of a diagram) 2. moles of an ideal gas expands isothermally and reversibly from 10 to 20 L, at 298 K. (a) What is the change in entropy for the gas, ΔSs s ?

Introduction to the Second Law of Thermodynamics: Heat Engines and ...

Introduction to the Second Law of Thermodynamics: Heat Engines and ...

WEBThe daily consumption of coal is calculated using the information that each day there is × 10 14 J of heat transfer from coal. In the combustion process, we have C + O 2 → CO 2. So every 12 kg of coal puts 12 kg + 16 kg + 16 kg = 44 kg of CO 2 into the atmosphere. Solution for Part 3. The daily coal consumption is



WEBNov 19, 2020 · For an irreversible adiabatic process entropy is generated within the system resulting in an increase in the entropy of the system only. An example of an irreversible adiabatic process is the rapid expansion or compression of a gas by a piston in an insulated cylinder such that the gas is not in internal equilibrium during the process.

Coalescence process to treat produced water: an updated

Coalescence process to treat produced water: an updated

WEBAug 8, 2019 · Coalescence is a merge of two or more droplets into a single droplet, with the rupture of the surface film of each droplet, forming a new and larger droplet, independent of the other droplets. It is an irreversible process, different from flocculation and sedimentation, which also allow two or more droplets to merge into a single droplet.

Proposal and analysis of a polygeneration process for coal ...

Proposal and analysis of a polygeneration process for coal ...

WEBJun 1, 2022 · The novel gasifiionreduction coupling process (GRCP) was proposed to obtain higher coal gas/hot metal polygeneration system efficiency. The hematite particles replaced previous moderators (H 2 O/CO 2) in the entrainedflow gasifiers, and direct reduced iron (DRI) can be obtained this study, the thermodynamic .

 Thermodynamic Processes

Thermodynamic Processes

WEBFigure Quasistatic and nonquasistatic processes between states A and B of a gas. In a quasistatic process, the path of the process between A and B can be drawn in a state diagram since all the states that the system goes through are known. In a nonquasistatic process, the states between A and B are not known, and hence no path can be drawn. .

Is it possible for the entropy change of a closed system to be zero ...

Is it possible for the entropy change of a closed system to be zero ...

WEBProve that in regards to entropy, the integral of an irreversible process is less than that of a reversible process. True or False, A closed system can experience an increase in entropy only when a net amount of entropy is transferred into the system. The entropy .... in an irreversible cyclic process. A. remains constant B. decreases C. increases

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 6 Physical and .

NCERT Solutions for Class 7 Science Chapter 6 Physical and .

WEBJun 14, 2021 · Also, once the curd is formed, it cannot be reversed back into milk. So, there is a formation of new substance with different properties and also it is an irreversible process. Hence, setting of curd is a chemical change. Question 7. Explain why burning of wood and cutting it into small pieces are considered as two different types of changes ...

Reversible vs. Irreversible Reactions

Reversible vs. Irreversible Reactions

WEBJan 30, 2023 · This process continues over and over again, representing a reversible reaction. Unlike irreversible reactions, reversible reactions lead to equilibrium: in reversible reactions, the reaction proceeds in both directions whereas in irreversible reactions the reaction proceeds in only one direction. To learn more about this phenomenon, click .

Define Reversible and Irreversible Process and give example.

Define Reversible and Irreversible Process and give example.

WEBIrreversible Process: The process is said to be an irreversible process if it cannot return the system and the surroundings to their original conditions when the process is reversed. The irreversible process is not at equilibrium throughout the process. For example, when we are driving the car uphill, it consumes a lot of fuel and this fuel is ...

entropy change in a irreversible adiabatic process

entropy change in a irreversible adiabatic process

WEBFeb 14, 2016 · If you impose an irreversible process on your adiabatic system like that, you won't be able to bring the system back to its initial state. You will be able to bring it back to its initial volume, but not at the same initial temperature and pressure. The entropy change will certainly not be zero. it will be greater than zero.

Mechanism of NOx Formation from Nitrogen in the Combustion .

Mechanism of NOx Formation from Nitrogen in the Combustion .

WEBAug 10, 2020 · The coal rank influences how the nitrogen functionality can be modified after the combustion process. The pyrrolicN in anthracite coal might be considered to be the major functional form that directly affects the conversion of nitrogen to NO while both pyrrolicN and pyridinicN in semianthracite were mostly converted into quaternaryN of ...

 Second Law of Thermodynamics: Entropy

Second Law of Thermodynamics: Entropy

WEBwhere Q is the heat that transfers energy during a process, and T is the absolute temperature at which the process takes place.. Q is positive for energy transferred into the system by heat and negative for energy transferred out of the system by heat. In SI, entropy is expressed in units of joules per kelvin (J/K). If temperature changes during .

Destructive Distillation: Definition, Process, Products, Uses

Destructive Distillation: Definition, Process, Products, Uses

WEBMay 15, 2023 · It is an irreversible chemical reaction where complex substances are broken down into simpler ones. Continue reading to learn about destructive distillation, its process, products, comparison with fractional distillation, and appliions along with FAQs. ... Coal Tar: The process of making coke and coal gas from coal results in the .

Describe the working of Carnot engine and mention the ...

Describe the working of Carnot engine and mention the ...

WEBThe process is repeated thereafter. The efficiency of carnot engine, eta is given by eta = dfrac{Q_1 Q_2}{Q_1 ... View Solution. Q2. Explain reversible and irreversible process. Describe the working of Carnot Engine. Obtain an expression for its efficiency. View Solution. Q3. A Carnot engine works between ice point and steam point ...

 Irreversibility, Entropy Changes, and ``Lost Work''

Irreversibility, Entropy Changes, and ``Lost Work''

WEBEither of Equation ( ) or ( ) can be interpreted to mean that the entropy of the system,, is affected by two factors: the flow of heat and the appearance of additional entropy, denoted by, due to irreversibility This additional entropy is zero when the process is reversible and always positive when the process is irreversible.

What is Throttling Process

What is Throttling Process

WEBMay 22, 2019 · A throttling process is a thermodynamic process, in which the enthalpy of the gas or medium remains constant (h = const). In fact, the throttling process is one of isenthalpic processes. During the throttling process no work is done by or on the system (dW = 0), and usually there is no heat tranfer ( adiabatic) from or into the system (dQ = 0).

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